Children are dynamic and adaptable little beings. Children generally respond quickly to natural medicine and have very successful outcomes. Many childhood conditions can be treated easily and successfully without invasive methods or strong pharmaceutical medicine.
It can be very upsetting when our children are sick, from something as small as a cold/flu bug to something more serious like asthma. It is painful to see them suffer.
Stacey carefully observes the needs of each individual child and creates a wellness plan that will not only help physical symptoms and complaints, but strengthen their ability to maximize their full potential on many different levels. This may include a nutritional plan, herbal remedies, homeopathic remedies, lifestyle advice, parenting advice, aromatherapy, tuina (Chinese thearapeutic massage), sensory awareness exercises, reconnecting with nature and more.
It can be very upsetting when our children are sick, from something as small as a cold/flu bug to something more serious like asthma. It is painful to see them suffer.
Stacey carefully observes the needs of each individual child and creates a wellness plan that will not only help physical symptoms and complaints, but strengthen their ability to maximize their full potential on many different levels. This may include a nutritional plan, herbal remedies, homeopathic remedies, lifestyle advice, parenting advice, aromatherapy, tuina (Chinese thearapeutic massage), sensory awareness exercises, reconnecting with nature and more.
Commonly treated childhood conditions:
Allergies, Eczema, Ear infections, Frequent colds and flus, Asthma, Tummy aches, Headaches, Attention issues, Depression, Anxiety, Nature Deficit Disorder and many more...