Benefits of Prebirth Acupuncture

Prebirth acupuncture refers to a series of treatments in the final weeks of pregnancy to help prepare women for childbirth. Acupuncture helps in preparations necessary to gently and safely welcome baby in the world in a timely matter by promoting a safe, efficient and natural labour.
Several studies have found that prebirth acupuncture resulted in:
*A shorter duration of labour
*Reduction in the rate of medical interventions including
induction, the use of epidurals & emergency caesarean delivery
*Increased rate of healthy vaginal births
*Reduction in postdates induction due to cervical ripening support
It is recommended that pregnant women start pre-birth acupuncture weekly from weeks 36-37 onwards. The treatment takes around 30-45 minutes. Pre-birth acupuncture encourages the mother’s body to naturally release prostaglandins to soften and ripen the cervix for labor, and oxytocin to trigger contractions, reducing labour time. It also helps to calm the mind to reduce fears and anxiety during labour. Acupuncture treatments are tailored to include points that encourage rotation of a breech-presenting baby, as well as late pregnancy symptoms such as: heartburn, leg cramps, back pain, insomnia, swollen hands and feet, and fatigue.
***To learn more or to set up a series of prebirth sessions, send a message through the contact page or give us a call.***
Several studies have found that prebirth acupuncture resulted in:
*A shorter duration of labour
*Reduction in the rate of medical interventions including
induction, the use of epidurals & emergency caesarean delivery
*Increased rate of healthy vaginal births
*Reduction in postdates induction due to cervical ripening support
It is recommended that pregnant women start pre-birth acupuncture weekly from weeks 36-37 onwards. The treatment takes around 30-45 minutes. Pre-birth acupuncture encourages the mother’s body to naturally release prostaglandins to soften and ripen the cervix for labor, and oxytocin to trigger contractions, reducing labour time. It also helps to calm the mind to reduce fears and anxiety during labour. Acupuncture treatments are tailored to include points that encourage rotation of a breech-presenting baby, as well as late pregnancy symptoms such as: heartburn, leg cramps, back pain, insomnia, swollen hands and feet, and fatigue.
***To learn more or to set up a series of prebirth sessions, send a message through the contact page or give us a call.***